Hi there this is my first attemp at making a website loosley based around my love of Volvos    Cars and Trucks.                                                                                                                                                                      I know it might not be up to everyone elses standards but what we are trying to do is have a bit of fun and maybe get people to stop thinking of Volvo drivers as old farts who clog up the roads  and instead see that there are a few of us out there that love to drive are cars very hard as they were intended .A few videos will soon be posted  when ive worked out hoiw to post them and when i make it possible for any comments to be sent to us i would love to here any  good or bad , like i said we love to drive and smoke a few  rs:s and scoobys .Soon we will post some new picys of the 70 with its new tinted glass and replaced black leather interior and a few toys if you can spot them !
